Getting Started with Polyversal Arsenal

Arsenal is a free web application for designing your own Combatant Tiles for use with Polyversal by Carl Olsen. It's best to become familiar with Section 10 of the Polyversal Rulebook to better understand all of the available design options. When you're ready to enter Arsenal and make your own Tiles, click this link, bookmark it, and register for free. 

To watch an overview of how to get started in Arsenal, check out our tutorial video here. Below the main tutorial, we provide a video covering how to use Polyversal Arsenal to convert WWII-era Units for use with the game:

It only takes a few minutes to design a tile that you can save, download, and print for use in games. Collins Epic Wargames also sells Combatant Tile Hexagonal Blanks with peel and stick hex paper to make it easy to print, peel, and stick tiles to chipboard blanks without any cutting.


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